Whenever it comes to choosing any latest shirt or dress from an e-commerce website or from an apparel store the first thing that we look to is the cloth size which is available in alphabet series, for Example- S, M, L, XL, XXL, etc.

The apparel industry is one of the booming sectors in India, with its total size estimated to be $72 billion with a high scope of employment if cherished in the right direction.

But do you know the standard sizes used in India are adopted from U.K and USA standard sizes. Yes, so actually India doesn’t have its own standard size for garments.

Image Courtesy: www.google.com

Being the 2nd most populous country in the world, we still depend on the legacy of imperialists that ruled us for more than 200 years. But now as we are going to step in the 75th year of Independence, it’s the time to evolve, to change, and to observe Aatmanirbhar  (Make in India).

Size India is a project by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, under the Research and Development Scheme that was launched to develop Indian size charts based on body measurements of the Indian population for better fitting of readymade garments. The project ‘INDIA size’ plans to measure around “25000 persons” aged from 18 to 65 years in six different regions of India using 3D body scanners. It is expected that the retail garment industry will be hugely benefitted from the outcome of the project. This project seems to be visionary and path-breaking. The Indian Government’s vision to become a 5 trillion economy can become a reality if such steps are taken and followed in the long run.


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