In the occurrence of grave pandemic “COVID-19” or CORONAVIRUS, no one can deny the usefulness of Oxygen Cylinders. Many lost their lives due to insufficient availability of cylinders in the hospital. We all are aware and are discussing about the dearth of oxygen cylinders and its importance which is crucial at the moment but we also have to look beyond it.

The Oxygen Cylinders used are synthesized or prepared from Oxygen present in the air i.e., from 21 percent of oxygen present in the total composition of air, the rest being Nitrogen (78.08 percent) and Argon (0.93 percent) and other gases (about 0.04 percent). So somewhere we are fetching out what is already available with us. The air from the atmosphere is separated at different temperature, cooled and pressurized to obtain liquid oxygen and then given to the one who requires. But what about its source??

We know trees are the main source of Oxygen as they breathe out Oxygen in daylight. Is the rate at which we are manufacturing Oxygen cylinders same as planting a tree??

Are we planting/growing sufficient trees simultaneously to maintain the balance of oxygen level of the planet? Clearing up forests for timber, for habitation, bushfires etc have already deteriorated the condition and now we are making it worse. Somewhere creating a new place to invite another pandemic. The future can be unimaginably worse if this thing gets side lined by us. This is the time to awake and plant trees to save us and our future generation. Let’s start an initiative to plant a sapling per oxygen cylinder supplied.


Now how it can be done??

So, it’s simple, say for example in a state 5000 cylinders were supplied on a particular day, so people of that state with the help of NGO can select a particular day to plant around 5000 saplings in their nearby premises of that particular state, keeping in mind the rules and regulations levied by the state due to pandemic


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