With the long-term Global Seed storage vault at Svalbard near Norway, humans have taken a great leap to combat Biodiversity loss by creating world’s largest collection of crops.

The emergence of Industrialization and to be in the list of global powers, countries are encroaching habitat of Flora and fauna and snatching away their ecological niche, uprooting forest trees recklessly, clearing up areas to make space for factories to setup with which we are indirectly inviting wild animals in our city to reside. Man- animal conflict is not a new concept; the best way is to build up Corridors and monitoring tools to avoid such conflicts.

The concretization of cities to accommodate population, we have created Urban heat islands for ourselves. Stratospheric aerosol injection to cool down temperature in the stratosphere and mirror reflection techniques to reflect back heat out of the atmosphere can be a boon to us. But can cost heavy to our pockets as the previous one can lead to acid rain and later one requires a huge funding and infrastructure, hence a proper planning need to be conducted in controlled level before its implementation.

Recently, Bramble cay, a mammal that was found in Australia got extinct, this was not the first case as there are many in this list. Introduction or translocation of extinct species from area where they are still alive to the area where they got extinct can be done. Just as Cheetah which got extinct from India since 1952 was reintroduced from South Africa under great care and favorable environment.

World is experiencing drastic weather conditions on same latitudes i.e.  Tropical Cyclone and floods in Indian ocean and south east Asia region, forest fire in Amazon basin, draught in Australia, vector borne diseases in African continent. The culprit is none other than climate change.

Power stations and Vehicles add up a great number of pollutants in environment creating an untraceable Carbon footprint. Many government and NGOs came up with Carbon trading and Carbon credit and with the concept of Sustainable development. Segregation of waste at source and Extended producer responsibility where the producer of pollutant have the sole responsibility to take care of the proper disposal of waste by pre-treating it before disposing can be a helping hand for mother earth to replenish her again. Fly ash produced from such sources can be used in construction of roads. Switching to hybrid and electric vehicles and using public transports can decrease vehicular pollution to a great extent. Incentives to the ones who choose public transport can give a boost to reducing usage of private vehicles

Locust attack in tropical region due to warming of oceans specifically in south Asian countries led to a great extent of damage to crops, indeed can create a great threat to food security in future. A concept of planting one seed when a girl child is born, will not only reduce pollution but will cool down earth’s temperature, bring rain and will boost gender neutrality at the same time 

Nearly 14 Million tons of waste plastics flow in ocean every year, Microplastics have created havoc and are recently found in 114 species out of which more than half have ended up on our supper plate. Banning such micro plastics is the ultimate solution to it specially the single use plastics and plastics less than 5 mm in size. 

Plogging, a Swedish concept where joggers pick up litter and waste on their way while jogging can greatly subside marine pollution. In case of oil spills through marine vessels, Oil Zapper, a bio-remediation technique to treat oil spills with the help of bacteria can bring great results.

A school in Assam, India takes waste plastic and polythene bags as a school fee to combat pollution and reduce the usage of plastics, a great concept indeed to be followed 

The 4 R’s concept of Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Recover can be used.

To Reuse what is non-biodegradable or can be used for multipurpose tasks such as polythene bag or cotton/jute bags for different purposes. To Reduce unnecessary wastage of resources, and to use it in a sustainable way and judicially. For example, switching to a bucket full of water instead to use a shower while bathing.

To Recycle things that can be processed and may get converted into some other useful product so that they can be used again. Just as paper can be recycled, Metal cans and Electronic waste can be recycled into another useful form 

To Recover is to find out a safe and eco-friendly alternative in place of already available options for example, to use non-conventional energy sources instead of conventional sources. Solar and wind energy to generate electricity can substitute thermal power stations that run on coal in near future. International Solar Alliance and Floating solar park are such steps in that direction


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