We are almost to step in the 75th year of our Independence which we achieved through truth, Non- violence, with rigorous and constant efforts by our freedom fighters, martyrs, and many more.

But is this Independence in the true sense? Ask yourself.

Are we independent in terms of our thoughts and deeds or are still ingrained with the old social evils??

Many people are still supporting and conducting Child marriage. At the age when they should be given books to study, they are burdened with responsibilities and marriage.

Do the destitute women, widow, Rape victims getting their right to live with dignity according to Article 21 of the constitution? Aren’t they getting neglected and treated with discrimination till now??

Caste System, the evil which has deeply penetrated the society is still not letting the people enjoy Fraternity and brotherhood in the real sense. Many freedom fighters, revolutionaries for example Jyoti Rao Phule, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar tried their best to bring every citizen of India on the same page by ensuring them equal status. It was a near dream then also and even now also. It’s been truly said by Swami Vivekananda that the Caste system is opposed to the religion of Vedanta. Caste is a social custom, and all our great preachers have tried to break it down.

Many still practice Black magic, believe in Blind faith and in lieu of it sacrifices animal and humans. A recent example of a woman to bear a child sacrificed the child staying in her neighborhood is a dreadful and heart-wrenching event.

The other blockade to real freedom is corruption. In times of Covid where the world is suffering, many used this as an opportunity to dupe the needy and earn from them by cheating, bribing, and charging more than extra for essential medicines and equipment. As said by Charles Colton Corruption is like a ball of snow, once set a rolling it must increase.

Thus, though we are free from the external clutch of colonialists but are somehow dwindling from social evils ingrained within us.

Let us all take a pledge, to clear all the useless clutter from our mind and fill it will love, joy, happiness, emotions, honesty, brotherhood feelings, and eternal love for our nation. This can be achieved by educating all the citizens of this country and the world. Nothing is more beautiful than getting educated.


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