Artificial intelligence recently added one more wonder in its list of capabilities and proved out to be a boon to society in a real sense.

Corona (covid-19) which has created havoc across the globe and engulfed many lives is at its peak in recent times. To detect the level of its effect on the lungs of humans, generally, doctors prescribe to get a chest X-ray but that does not come out to be fruitful as to what “Extent” it has damaged the lungs can’t be detected through x-ray.

So, a new solution was brought to use CT scan (computed tomography scan) to know the actual damage done by the virus in the lungs. CT scan has its pros and cons. CT scan machines are not available easily and cost heavy on pocket as well, and is not always feasible and accurate to do so.

Here Artificial intelligence came to the rescue. With the help of 5C network and HCG academics, DRDO developed AI algorithm named ATMAN AI. Through x-ray, only one can detect the level of lung damage and the effect of virus on lungs. The AI system can be embedded to X-ray machine which with the help of data analytics and machine learning can analyze and calculate the percentage of lungs that got affected and the areas which got damaged due to sars cov -2 that is novel coronavirus. It proved out to be Fast, effective and pocket friendly with 96 to 97 % of accuracy. Hence the doctors looking in x-ray can easily and rapidly decide the medication to be provided to the patients and hence more lives can be saved


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