Today’s news article reads “The first time in history, a woman got the spiritual opportunity to become the First woman chief priest of Sabarimala temple situated in Kerala, where once women devotees of menstruating age were not permitted to worship in respect to the celibate nature of Lord Ayyappan, the deity of the famous temple” impelled me ten years back where women were still struggling to just get a glimpse of the deity.

Racism lost its existence and we have moved towards Gender neutrality, where not only women are devoting to the growth of society but transgenders have also made an eminent position leading to healthy development. 

While having my daily supper consisting of Fortified products and supplement capsules. I still remember how my mother used to cook delicious Dal, Chapati, and rice which now got substituted with packed food that gets cooked in a minute or two. The reason behind this big change in these years was insufficient nutrients and adulteration in eatables and a high amount of pesticides deteriorated the quality of food we use to take those days. 

Truly penned by  William henry davies; ‘What is this life if, full of care we have no time to stand and stare’.  So I thought to fetch out few minutes for myself in this busy schedule and have a walk-in fresh air.

I won’t say that people were not having sedentary life those days but now it has reached to an extent that it has disturbed mankind to its core. No doubt we battled many diseases and became free from them as well but now new diseases substituted them and trust me they are very harsh on human’s health because every other thing got digitized say it be education, shopping and now working from home became a culture to be followed. Personalized Robots replaced humans in small shops and companies to assist owners resulting in skyrocketing unemployment digits leading to more people sitting at home idle.

Looking through the balcony where once green lush used to fill up my garden which brought fresh air is now filled up with discarded solar panels as while moving to achieve renewable sources to generate clean energy we missed the other side of the coin that these panels have a shelf life and one day we have to recycle it as well. Sadly, we don’t have any recycling industry for it.

Most of us have adopted a vegetarian diet as zoonotic diseases took a monstrous face and took the lives of millions. Due to the increase in marine pollution, microplastics choking the pharynx of fishes resulted in losing tonnes of fish in these years and a huge loss to biodiversity. Water bottles now cost heavily on pocket as we have exploited groundwater and people use to stock them in lockers nowadays.

Many positive developments too took place, the one which I introduced to you at the beginning of this letter was one of the milestones we achieved. Thanks to “Sustainable development goals” that  comes to an end this year brought a positive change in the society

How can I forget the pandemic in 2020 which took millions of lives across the globe, many lost their loved ones, or became homeless. Forest fires, cyclones, the rampant spread of diseases all occurred simultaneously seemed like nature was punishing us for destructing her from the core. It took years to recover the damage, the slumped economy took time to stabilize. Countries came forward to help each other in the time of crisis and many war-torn nations and disputed countries tried to sort out differences and extended their helping hand 

In terms of mobility, people prefer Electric vehicles that produce no smoke. Hardly you will get to see any petrol or diesel pumps that added sulphur content to the atmosphere.

Looking at the changes, my only suggestion to you would be to make yourself aware of the surrounding especially the consequences it will lead to in the future, try to bring a change; though small in the society, save water as much as you can, try to listen to the voice of mother nature and her requirements. Try to spend quality time with family and friends. 



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